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Mission Unstoppable

Over The BRidge And Beyond

"Mission Unstoppable" was created by SYLC members who were concerned about tensions and lack of collaboration between students at two high schools in Sitka, Mt. Edgecumbe High School and Sitka High School. 


Students realized that this competition and rivalry is symbolized by a series of basketball games commonly referred to in Sitka as the "Battle of the Bridge."


They spearheaded an effort to improve this relationship and challenge the rivalry that has involved community members, administrators, and students from both schools. The campaign has gained media attention, started discussion on social media, and is the subject of an upcoming documentary about youth advocacy. 

What Is The "Battle Of The Bridge"? 

Sitka has two high schools that play 3A basketball, Sitka High and Mt. Edgecumbe (MEHS), and they play many games against one another throughout the season. Even though these are just games, many students have talked about the tension that this rivalry causes and SYLC members are working to promote healthy competition and a better relationship between the schools. 


Since SHS and MEHS are located on either side of the O'Connell Bridge in Sitka, Sitkans and students refer to this cross-town “rivalry” as the "Battle of the Bridge". SYLC is starting conversations about the significance that this name (“battle”) has and is advocating for more opportunities for the students to meet and collaborate off the court. 


During the 2016 season, SYLC members challenged attendees to take a "selfie challenge" with a student from another school by participating in the #respectchallenge (a hashtag originally started with SYLC's "I AM" CAMPAIGN) . Check out some of the photos submitted below!

What Is SYLC Doing? 

Hands Across Sitka! 


Over 120 community members and students attended SYLC's "Hands Across Sitka" event in the spring of 2016. Participants shared their thoughts on the rivalry between the schools in a giant Teen Talk facilitated by SYLC members, and then paraded across the O'Connell Bridge to join hands and renact the campaign poster above for a documentary about youth leadership and advocacy. 


SYLC members spoke to the crows about their campaign and called attendees to action in coming together across the bridge. â€‹

Advocacy on and off the court


SYLC is starting conversations about the significance that this name (“battle”) has and is advocating for more opportunities for the students to meet and collaborate off the court. During the 2016 season, SYLC members challenged attendees to take a "selfie challenge" with a student from another school by participating in the #respectchallenge (a hashtag originally started with SYLC's "I AM" CAMPAIGN). Check out some of the photos submitted below!

© 2024 by The Sitka Youth Leadership Committee

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