What is SYLC?
The Sitka Youth Leadership Committee (SYLC) is a youth group dedicated to promoting respect and building bridges among youth in Sitka and across Alaska.
We plan and implement projects, connect across differences, and play a significant role in creating a healthy, respectful community.
Our Values

Our Work
SYLC started as an an idea at the 2009 LeadOn conference, and after being created in Sitka, has been supporting positive young leaders eager to influence change and create a community of respect ever since.
"We are the future and it's important for youth to be able to be leaders and teach their peers and people around them about controversial and difficult topics.
-SYLC member, 2022-2023
For SYLC members, the majority of time is spent working on the following areas:
Education and Outreach:
SYLC members organize campaigns, give presentations, facilitate workshops, travel to conferences and organize events in order to get the word out about campaigns and issues that matter to teens.
Members take advantage of the many opportunities to travel to statewide events like LeadOn! and AASG (Alaska’s Association of Student Governments), where they network with and learn from like-minded people.
At meetings, we learn about media as a tool to create positive social change. Using social media, traditional media like radio PSAs, newspaper, and presentations, we advocate for change in the areas that are most important to us and other students.